“Contribute to enrich Knowledge through female sensibility”

To promote the figure of the Female Band Director at an international level as an example of a leader to offer to all those who wish to follow ambitious paths of professional leadership in any field.

To offer the Female Artist the best occasions for both professional and personal growth in order to realise their own ambition of leadership in the world of music.


The aim of the association is:

the enhancement, improvement and promotion of the FEMALE BAND CONDUCTOR in Europe and her professionalism in the fields of musical culture, performing arts and art in general.

For this purpose the Association will:

  • prepare and organise the necessary means and structures for the execution, administration and activation of courses, seminars, internships, competitions, concerts, shows and artistic events.
  • will carry out editorial, literary and musical activities, supervising the publication and circulation of periodicals, newsletters, newspapers, audiovisual materials and books in the relevant sector also for general public interest, to further the circulation and disclosure of its activities.
  • form partnerships with both national and international Organisations, both governmental and non, Authorities, Institutions, Conservatories, Universities, Theatres, Artistic Agencies and Associations, for the circulation of not only musical culture but also culture in general.


Beauty and Harmony in the search for Truth

When interior passion expresses itself in harmony with action, we have the birth of pure beauty, that reveals, if perceived, its true supernatural essence, a truth that moves the subject, gratifying it with joy and fulfillment.

Conscious of the importance of this emotional state, our educational projects aim to provide the instruments for taking the opportunity to understand reality and conscientiously handle one’s own emotions and those of others.

The in-depth study of the technical aspects of music is therefore enriched by the possibility of following educational courses focused on the individual and their own personality, developing and strengthening self-awareness and musical, but not only, aptitudes, and their leadership communication skills.